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Security Training for all MTSA Facilities

  • 7 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Port Security Training In 2002, the United States Congress passed the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) requiring maritime port facilities to address port security through appropriate training of port personnel, implementation of access control procedures and handling of certain dangerous cargo. Government leaders and security experts worry that the maritime transportation system could be used by terrorists to smuggle personnel, weapons of mass destruction, or other dangerous materials into the United States. They are also concerned that ships in U.S. ports, particularly large commercial cargo ships or cruise ships could be attacked by terrorists. A large-scale terrorist attack at a U.S. port, experts warn, could not only cause local death and damage, but also paralyze global maritime commerce. In order to minimize this threat and to comply with the U S Coast Guard’s security requirements we require all personnel to complete the following security training. This training will help you to better understand the role you play in making our facilities secure. You will also gain knowledge in the following areas that relate to our security plan. • Relevant provisions of the approved Facility Security Plan. • The meaning and consequence requirements of the different MARSEC Levels. • Recognition and detection of dangerous substances and devices. • Recognition of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons likely to threaten security. • Techniques

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